Students Launch into Careers Early
Exploring careers through real-world experiences before graduating high school, helps students save time and money, develop industry-specific technical skills, and practice employability skills such as communication, collaboration, and resilience. Work-Based Learning experiences help students connect to a local network of professionals and can be a gateway to postsecondary education and early career opportunities. Learn more about Early Career Outcomes for students in Washington, DC here.
Industries Influence Leading-Edge Education
Industry partners give our students context to careers outside of the textbook. Professionals and organizations who participate in Work-Based Learning in Washington, DC can become co-creators of the Career & Technical Education (CTE) students receive in high school by providing hands-on career experiences for students, ensuring schools are teaching up-to-date industry skills and competencies, and growing excitement within your future workforce.
Preparing Tomorrow’s Workforce Benefits Our Community
When industry and schools partner to provide meaningful career preparation experiences to students, learners are more likely to stay in DC or return to the metro-area after postsecondary education for their careers. Creating pathways for more highly-skilled workers to live and work in the District, directly benefits our industry partners, our economy, and our community.