Local Education Associations (LEAs) seeking OSSE funding to establish a recognized Career and Technical Education (CTE) program for the first time must submit the OSSE CTE LEA Funding Application by December 1st to be eligible for funding in July and implement an OSSE-approved program of study (POS) for the new school year.
Once approved, LEAs will complete the Consolidated Grant Application to qualify for funds under the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V).
LEAs must submit the Funding Application signed by their leadership, along with the CTE Implementation Committee’s responses to the questions listed on the Funding Applications. All materials should be submitted to careertechdc@dc.gov by December 1st to be considered for funding.
DC CTE is here to help you access funding.
DC CTE applies for and receives local and federal funds and awards them to sub-grantees to ensure local education agencies (LEAs) provide equitable and high quality programs of study for students. Check out the opportunities to apply for funding to bring middle school and high school CTE programs to your school.
To learn more about DC CTE funding streams, expenditure allowability, and reimbursement requests, view this presentation.
Contact us with questions!
Clifton Martin
Consolidated Application for Career & Technical Education Programs
Grant cycle: July 1 through June 30
The Consolidated Application for CTE makes getting grant money for your school easy! LEAs can use this application to secure funding from the Perkins V federal grant, the Career Academies Grant, and the Industry-Recognized Credentials Grant.
Questions? Contact Clifton Martin (clifton.martin@dc.gov)
Work-Based Learning Enhancement Grant
Grant cycle: October 1 through September 30
The Work-Based Learning Enhancement Grant provides funds for CTE programs to offer work-based learning opportunities to their students such as guest speakers, facility tours, internships, field trips, and more. This grant is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Treasury.
Questions? Contact Tiffany DeJesus (tiffany.dejesus@dc.gov)
Middle School Expansion Grant
Check back in August for the fall 2023 grant deadline.
The Middle School Expansion Grant is a competitive state grant that will award eight middle schools funding in October 2022. The funds will be allocated to creating CTE programs for middle schoolers that connect to careers across the District and to high school CTE programs of study.
Questions? Contact Francesca Glover (Francesca.Glover@dc.gov)
Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA)
Due bi-annually
The Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) gauges how well schools are delivering CTE instruction and meeting program and grant requirements. This is a required assessment completed by LEAs every 2 years.
Questions? Contact Clifton Martin (clifton.martin@dc.gov)