Each DC CTE Program of Study provides postsecondary opportunities, at little to no cost, to help students prepare for life after high school in their field of choice. Each of these opportunities can help students obtain an associate degree, a two-year program certificate, or to enter the workforce better prepared to be knowledgeable employees.
Explore Your Options
Jumpstart your postsecondary education by participating in these courses and earn college credit early, and for little or no cost!
The Basics
Why participate in post secondary opportunities?
Today more than 75% of jobs in Washington, DC, require some form of postsecondary education. Our CTE programs prepare students to meet these requirements in-demand career pathways whether they are going straight into the workforce or pursuing a college degree after high school. DC CTE provides quality education that leads to certification and/or transferable college credit, which means students will earn higher wages when they enter the workforce.
Postsecondary opportunities are designed to help students explore and prepare for careers before entering the workforce. Completing postsecondary credit, prepares students to enter the world of work with professional knowledge and certifications, helps students prepare for and get ahead in college, and can even save money by helping learners complete a college or certification program sooner.
Who can participate?
All CTE students participate in post secondary opportunities. The eligibility varies for each program so check the specifications for participation by clicking each box above to learn more.
Eligibility for receiving college credit and certificate accreditation also varies by program but typically requires students to pass the course with a C or higher and may require students to graduate high school in good standing.
What are articulation agreements?
Articulation agreements are written agreements between the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) and local colleges and universities. These agreements are what enable students enrolled in Career and Technical Education (CTE) career pathways to earn college credit while in high school when they successfully complete postsecondary opportunities.
Students and educators should review the terms of the articulation agreements when articulated credit is offered for their course. Explore the articulation agreements offered through DC CTE below. Agreements can also be found on their relevant Program of Study page.
In some cases, individual DC public and public charter schools may also have their own articulation agreements with specific postsecondary institutions. These agreements are not monitored by DC CTE.
How To Enroll
Talk to your school counselor about the opportunities you are most interested in today!
Our Partners
Higher Education Partners
Learn more about the Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) currently participating in the DC Dual Enrollment Consortium Program here.